• Eventually you come across one single person who deems past lovers endearing lessons on everything undesired. Old relationships seem merely practice runs for this final, epically beautiful union. This new person brings to the surface sharper and greater feelings than ever experienced; love evokes a heightened sense of pain and compassion in sad times, while love amplifies simple, happy moments into profoundly joyous, momentous occasions.

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Fine dining in NYC

NYC has always been a Mecca for foodies, especially for those who enjoy the finer things in life. Unfortunately, not all fine dining are created equal and with a limited budget, it’s nice to know what to expect from the various institutions and what not to expect from others. I will begin with five that … Continue reading

The Eee Slate

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Asians in UCLA

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Dog Protecting An Ailing Canine Friend Amidst Tsunami in Japan

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